Package: skyscapeR 1.1-240925

skyscapeR: Data Analysis and Visualization for Skyscape Archaeology

Data reduction, visualization and statistical analysis of measurements of orientation of archaeological structures, following Silva (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.jas.2020.105138>.

Authors:Silva Fabio [aut, cre], Reijs Victor [ctb], Gautschy Rita [ctb]

skyscapeR.pdf |skyscapeR.html
skyscapeR/json (API)

# Install 'skyscapeR' in R:
install.packages('skyscapeR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:




5.31 score 5 stars 41 scripts 187 downloads 54 exports 90 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:f5754010ce. Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 22 2025



skyscapeR: Data Analysis and Visualization for Skyscape Archaeology

Rendered fromskyscapeR.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 22 2025.

Last update: 2022-08-15
Started: 2017-10-13

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Declination of the anti-zenith sun for a given locationantizenith
Convert discrete azimuth measurements into probability distributionsaz.pdf
Calculates declination from azimuth and altitude measurementsaz2dec
Converts year number (epoch) to calendar yearBC.AD
Execute a (series of) Bernoulli trial(s)bernoulli.trial
Computes position of Solar System bodies in equatorial coordinatesbody.position
Coordinate-transform azimuth prob distributions into declination prob distributionscoordtrans
Create _skyscapeR.horizon_ object from Az/Alt datacreateHor
Create and download horizon data from _HeyWhatsThat_createHWT
(Defunct) Computes declination curvigramcurvigram
Download horizon data from _HeyWhatsThat_downloadHWT
Declination of December Solstice for a given yeardS
Equinoctial Full MoonsEFM
Declination of the sun at the Equinoxeq
Exports a _skyscapeR.horizon_ object into _Stellarium_ formatexportHor
Find celestial targets within declination and time rangesfindTargets
Retrieves horizon altitude for a given azimuth from a given horizon profilehor2alt
Retrieves maximum declination for a given horizonhor2max.dec
Retrieves minimum declination for a given horizonhor2min.dec
Returns the high-density region of a probability distributionhpdi
Converts Julian date and time (in any timezone) to julian datejd2time
Declination of June Solstice for a given yearjS
Converts day-month in 'MM-DD' format to a more readable
Estimates magnetic declination (difference between true and magnetic north) based on IGRF 12th gen modelmag.dec
Significance test against a null modelmodelTest
Computes the phase of the moonmoonphase
Declination of northern major Lunar Extreme for a given yearnMjLX
Declination of northern minor Lunar Extreme for a given yearnmnLX
Computes obliquity of the eclipticobliquity
Calculate visible path of celestial object at given locationorbit
Corrected parallax for a given location and object altitudeparallax.corr
Extreme declinations for five visible planetsplanet.extremes
Plot horizon dataplot.skyscapeR.horizon
Plot orientation probability distributionsplot.skyscapeR.pdf
Plot significance test of orientationsplot.skyscapeR.sigTest
Plot orientation summed probability densityplot.skyscapeR.spd
Plot stellar phase and seasonalityplot.skyscapeR.starphases
Polar plot of orientations (azimuths)plotAzimuth
Bar plot of orientations (declination)plotBars
Prints significance test resultsprint.skyscapeR.sigTest
Converts p-value into symbolpval2stars
Significance test against the null hypothesis of random orientationrandomTest
Data reduction for compass measurementsreduct.compass
Data reduction for theodolite measurements using the sun-sight methodreduct.theodolite
Computes the rising and setting azimuth, declination and time of a Solar System object for a given location and dayriseset
Cork and Kerry Stone Row DataRugglesCKR
Recumbent Stone Circle DataRugglesRSC
(Defunct) Perform a null hypothesis significance test of a given curvigramsigTest
Creates a _skyscapeR.object_ for plotting of celestial objects at given epochsky.objects
Create a simplistic sketch of the sky at a given moment in timesky.sketch
See and change the global variables used by skyscapeRskyscapeR.vars
Declination of southern major Lunar Extreme for a given yearsMjLX
Declination of southern minor Lunar Extreme for a given yearsmnLX
Azimuth and declination of the spatial equinox for a given locationspatial.equinox
Summed probability density (SPD)spd
Create _skyscapeR.star_ objectstar
Celetial Object Namesstar.names
Calculate the seasons and phase type of a starstar.phases
Returns the azimuth of the sun at a given time from a specific locationsunAz
Swap between swephR and skyscapeR versions of stellar ephemerisswapStars
Converts degree measurements in deg-min-sec (º ' ") format into decimal-point degree format.ten
Converts date and time (in any timezone) to Julian datetime2jd
Converts date and time numeric values to a single stringtimestring
Declination of the zenith sun for a given locationzenith